Linux Fundamentals Part-2

Linux Fundamentals Part-2

cat command :

The cat command is used to read a file and also to create

cat File_Name

a) creating file:

b) Reading file

chmod command:

chmod command used for changing the permission of the file.

chmod Permision_type File_Name

U    G   O
rwx rwx rwx        chmod 777 filename  
rwx rwx r-x        chmod 775 filename
rwx r-x r-x        chmod 755 filename

history command:

To see older commands, use history to display the shell command history (or use history n to see the last n commands).

rm command:

"rm" command is used for removing files or directories.

rm -r Directory_Name  
       --> Remove the directory and its contents recursively

rm -f File_Name
       --> Force removal of file without prompting for confirmation

rm -rf directory
       --> Forcefully remove directory recursively

mv command:

Rename or move f​ ile1​ to ​file2​. If file2 is an existing directory, move file1 into directory file2

mv file_1 file_2  --> Change file_1 name as file_2

Happy Learning😊


Vishal Ranmale